Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

How novel coronavirus spread across the world visual explainer World news The Guardian

The coronavirus epidemic began in Wuhan, a city of more than 11 million people and the capital of the Hubei province in China. The latest data from Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering shows that the number of deaths from the virus has exceeded 1,000, all in mainland China with the exception of one person in Hong Kong and another in the Philippines.


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Laura Huang, associate professor at Harvard Business School, has studied groups that face bias in the workplace, from entrepreneurs with accents to women and people of color. She says that the best way for individuals to overcome this type of adversity is to acknowledge and harness it, so it plays to their advantage instead of holding them back. Start by recognizing your outsider status and the preconceived notions others might have about you, then surprise them by showing how you defy their expectations and can offer unique value. Huang is the author of the book Edge: Turning Adversity Into Advantage.


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Why Americans Are Retiring Later Than Ever Time

Craig Ogelby worked in Pennsylvania public schools for about 40 years before calling it quits in 2007. He regretted it almost instantly. Just one month after retiring, he took a new job as a principal in New Jersey. “I really just did not think through my decision to retire,” says Ogelby, now 72 and working as a consultant. “I thought I was ready, but I soon realized that I need to continue to be active.”

Image: "I thought I was ready, but I soon realized that I need to continue to be active."—Craig Ogelby, 72, a longtime educator whose retirement lasted just one month before he went right back to work in a new school Illustration by Adrià Fruitós for TIME

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I’m not Goldie Blumenstyk. I’m Scott Carlson, also a senior writer at The Chronicle of Higher Education. Goldie has been away on assignment, so in this issue you’ll see what I’ve been thinking about this week.

Internships can ease the path from college to career — but they often don’t.

It’s becoming increasingly clear how critical internships are in landing a job after college and accelerating one’s career. So I was very interested when I learned that Matthew Hora, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin at Madison who studies the path from college to career, had turned his attention to internships because I knew he would challenge some common assumptions.


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At the core of every business is the need to solve problems. And when it comes to solving problems, the old saying still applies: Two heads (or more) are better than one.

That’s the simple idea behind open innovation, a process by which one company presents a challenge and invites others to participate in finding marketable solutions. It’s not a new concept, but in a time when rapid technological advancement has become key to our survival, I’m convinced that this type of intercompany collaboration will be increasingly essential to business success and social progress.


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BEIJING: The incubation period for the novel coronavirus could reach 24 days in rare cases, recent research has found.

The median incubation period is three days, lower than the estimated 5.2 days, according to research by Zhong Nanshan, a prominent scientist who is leading a government-appointed panel of experts helping to control the outbreak.


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As concerns about geopolitics, demographics and climate change rise and technological advances redefine established city hierarchies, the attention of citizens, businesses, investors and policymakers is turning toward a much broader set of criteria when thinking about the next place to live, invest or do business.

As a result, the factors contributing to a city’s success are shifting from pure economic prowess to softer urban attributes such as how cities build a customer service culture, foster urban experiences, innovate and achieve sustainability.


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NCC PDI Pediatric Medical Device Pitch Competition Deadline Extended Children s National Hospital

WASHINGTON – The National Capital Consortium for Pediatric Device Innovation (NCC-PDI) announced today that the application deadline for its annual “Make Your Medical Device Pitch for Kids!” competition is extended one week to Feb. 22 at midnight EST. Innovators and startup companies with devices in the pediatric cardiovascular, orthopedic and spine, or NICU sectors are invited to apply for a share of up to $250,000 in FDA-funded awards and access to a newly created NCC-PDI pediatric device accelerator program led by MedTech Innovator. Applications are being accepted now.


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IBM Logo

In 2019, IBM garnered more U.S. patents in 2019 than any other company in any previous year (9,262, to be exact). The true significance, well beyond the numerical milestone, is what this figure says about the values and culture of the company and its people. 

Patents are an important marker for gauging the creativity and innovation of scientists, engineers, designers and makers of all types. They’re not the only measure, of course. We innovate in multiple ways—when we push the frontiers of science and technology and publish the results, when we contribute to open-source projects, when we create new products and services, and when we pioneer new business models.


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On social media, mornings look blissful. It seems everyone greets the day with beachfront meditation, green elixirs or a sweaty endorphin rush. While these are all worthy pursuits, I suspect those blissed-out moments are the exception, not the rule. For many of us, mornings are tough. The alarm goes off far too early. Then we’re juggling kids, pets, text messages, missing files and burnt toast.


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Two weeks ago, Northeastern University announced the launch of the Roux Institute in Portland, Maine. Backed by a $100 million gift from Barbara and David Roux, the institute will bring graduate-level programs in life sciences, data science, and digital engineering to Portland. This was big news for Maine and also received coverage from the New York Times because the institute is premised on the idea that the innovation economy can be brought to parts of the United States that it has thus far passed over.


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Climate Change is Decimating Antarctic Chinstrap Penguins Time

Chinstrap penguins are exquisitely adapted to their environment. They live and breed in some of the world’s harshest conditions, nesting in the windblown, rocky coves of the Antarctic Peninsula, a strip of land comprising the northernmost part of the frigid continent. In water they are precision hunters, darting after krill, the tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that are their sole food source, utilizing barbed tongues engineered for catching the slipperiest of prey. On land, these 2-2.5-foot-tall flightless birds are prodigious mountaineers, able to scale rocky escarpments in spite of their ungainly waddle. Their perfect adaptation to local conditions makes them the ideal barometer for the future of the region. If anything changes in the marine environment, the health of chinstrap penguins will be one of the most reliable indicators. They are the canaries of the Southern Ocean.

Image: Chinstrap penguins diving into the ocean at Snow Island, South Shetlands, Antarctica on Jan. 30, 2020. Christian Åslund —Greenpeace and TIME

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Having run strategy and leadership development programs across the Fortune 1000 for over the past 25 years, I’ve seen lots of business models. As I highlighted in a prior article on The Future of Seamless Shopping, nothing currently parallels Amazon when it comes to innovation.

Amazon’s management system is designed for speed, agility, and scale. The result: a continuous stream of forward-thinking innovation and relentless growth.


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Reviewing financial statements, audit activities, and compliance activities are all part of the work required of board members to keep the company running on the right path. But the most successful boards do far more than this, focusing on more forward-looking, value-creating, strategic issues.


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HHS on Monday launched a new program to spur development and commercialization of technologies that would help the U.S. respond to health security threats and disasters.

The Foundry for American Biotechnology, a public-private partnership, will be jointly managed by the department's Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response—or ASPR—and the New Hampshire technology firm Deka Research and Development Corp.


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Innovation is no longer the reserve of wealthy countries, as evidenced by the Global Innovation Index for the past decade. Innovators in developing countries have shown the world how to maximize production using limited resources. In India, for example, a company innovated a machine to detect malady disease that affects premature babies and blinds them if not remedied in time. Rather than purchasing expensive equipment, Indian hospitals adopted the technology and are conducting more successful diagnoses than ever before.


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For nearly four years, NASA's Kepler spacecraft whisked through space, surveying our corner of the galaxy. It monitored more than 150,000 stars, looking for planets about the size of Earth that belonged to other solar systems. The mission didn't disappoint; Kepler found countless examples of a type of planet known as a super-Earth. 

These faraway planets might remind you of home — they're rocky, smaller than gas giants, located near their star and sport a relatively thin atmosphere. But they're way larger than the blue marble: These super-Earths are a honking two to 10 times bigger than our Earth. 


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