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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Young businesswomen working in team 2022 02 02 03 56 50 utcIn the United States, 12.3 million businesses are women-owned, making up 40% of total businesses. If you’re considering creating a business, the process can seem intimidating and overwhelming. Luckily, there are many women founders who can share lessons and experiences they’ve gained during their time in business.

Here are 10 quotes from women founders who have trailblazed the entrepreneur landscape.


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Young people in the office 2022 04 06 19 47 25 utcAre babies good or bad?

It’s a silly question.

Yet, the scientists at Yale University based their studies on infants to determine if people have an internal compass in understanding if a person is appealing or aversive. It turns out – we do, right from the beginning. The study’s results suggest that even from the youngest age, we humans have a sense of right and wrong, and an instinct to prefer good over evil.


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BPoster azure printed homesackyard cottages have been hailed as a way to quickly add new rental space in cities with a shortage of housing. But they’re typically expensive to build.

In L.A., where the city government has been trying to nudge homeowners to build more ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, the average construction price for a new cottage starts at $150,000 and goes up to around $350,000, not including building plans, engineering work, and other expenses.


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Employee speaking with customer via social network 2022 03 31 07 03 49 utcBusiness is not a one-size-fits-all approach; however, all companies can benefit from providing more freedom to their employees. Allowing your employees to gain their own autonomy within the workplace will create a cohesive and united team, paving the way for overall business success.

Here’s how to effectively manage your employees while also allowing them to embrace their freedom.


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Bubbles of hydrogen gas are generated from the reaction of water with an aluminum-gallium composite. (Amberchan et al., Applied Nano Materials, 2022)Hydrogen fuel promises to be a clean and abundant source of energy in the future – as long as scientists can figure out ways to produce it practically and cheaply, and without fossil fuels.

A new study provides us with another promising step in that direction.

Scientists have described a relatively simple method involving aluminum nanoparticles that are able to strip the oxygen from water molecules and leave hydrogen gas.

Image: Bubbles of hydrogen gas are generated from the reaction of water with an aluminum-gallium composite. (Amberchan et al., Applied Nano Materials, 2022)

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Web designer stressed out while working long hours 2022 01 19 00 21 47 utcCan you change the world while working 40 hours or fewer per week?

That's the question I've been asking entrepreneurs and change-makers recently.

My favorite response came from Swedish social entrepreneur, Admir Lukacevic, who simply replied, "just give me one second--that will be enough for me!"

I love Lukacevic's passion (and confidence) but most of us would agree we need a bit more time at work than that. The question, though, is how much?


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IFD1500 150x150n about 30 days, one of the longest running and most successful small business programs will expire.

The House will have 14 days in September with votes scheduled to reauthorize the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program when it returns to Washington, D.C. after Labor Day. Meanwhile, the Senate reconvenes on Sept. 6 and doesn’t spell out how many days it plans to be in D.C. and voting on bills.

To be sure, the fate of the SBIR program hangs in the balance of what Congress can do by Sept. 30.


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Business start up and idea 2021 08 30 00 59 20 utcThe pandemic came into this world unexpectedly and changed the way society operates. Every company has had to evolve in some way, a testament to the "survival of the fittest" theory. Now, it is time to adapt to a post-COVID-19 world.

It's easier than ever to start small Small businesses can look much more significant to generate more activity with a robust online presence. A professional website and effective public relations strategies can set your company aside from the rest and help it grow. There is no need for employees or even a physical office. Remote work has been ingrained into the workforce. You can run a business without the overhead of an office. There is no longer a need for a substantial in-person office with many employees.


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Cursor and A New Approach to Car Batteries Is About to Transform EVs WIRED UKWeight is one of the biggest banes for car designers and engineers. Batteries are exceedingly heavy and dense, and with the internal combustion engine rapidly pulling over for an electric future, the question of how to deal with an EV’s added battery mass is becoming all the more important.

Image: The Leapmotor C01 is among the first EVs to use a new battery design that provides a range of benefits.PHOTOGRAPH: LEAPMOTOR

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Daniel Sinoca/UnsplashThe global dairy industry is changing. Among the disruptions is competition from food alternatives not produced using animals – including potential challenges posed by synthetic milk.

Synthetic milk does not require cows or other animals. It can have the same biochemical make up as animal milk, but is grown using an emerging biotechnology technique know as "precision fermentation" that produces biomass cultured from cells.

Image: Daniel Sinoca/Unsplash

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Illustration: Sarah Grillo/AxiosAmong the Inflation Reduction Act's little-noticed yet potentially game-changing provisions: a big incentive for "smart glass," which can make buildings significantly more energy efficient.

Why it matters: Buildings account for 27% of annual global carbon dioxide emissions, by one estimate. While eco-friendly buildings aren't as sexy or exciting as electric cars, anything that makes them greener is a big win for hitting climate goals.

Image: Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios

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Blockchain concept 2022 04 12 22 58 16 utcIn 2023, the Web3.0 blockchain technology sector will be worth more than six trillion dollars, according to Market Research Future, and Web3.0 will continue to grow at a CAGR of 44.6% from 2023 to 2030.

Because Web3.0 relies heavily on blockchain, many wrongly believe that its fate is inevitably linked to the volatile cryptocurrency market. However, cryptos are just one part of the new sector. Gartner explains that while cryptocurrencies crashed in the first half of 2022, decision-makers should not assume that the value of Web3.0 technology is affected. According to the research and consulting firm, Web3.0 tech will soon reach its adoption tipping point and industries from aircraft maintenance to food safety will tokenize their applications.


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Online marketing 2021 09 03 07 45 28 utcIf you’re running a startup or small business, now might be one of the biggest opportunities in years to find new customers. Customers are looking for new providers, and your business has the chance to step in and offer what the rest of the market can’t.

To do that, you’ll need some creative marketing strategies that your competitors aren’t already using. Here are five of the best uncommon marketing methods to scale your small business.


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Business meeting 2022 02 01 23 42 59 utcIt's no small feat to abruptly quit your job and jump straight into entrepreneurship. Yet as a 26-year-old with no more than a Wharton degree and a handful of years of investment banking experience, I traded (pun intended) job security for life on the cliff edge. For the first time, I would be my own boss. Every decision I would make or every opportunity I would choose to pursue was my choice and my choice alone — or so I thought.


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Scott McGovern and Warren Buffett croppedWarren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, learned one big lesson decades ago: beiing able to protect the precious commodity of time.

To further support this concept, a classic Buffett quote floating around the internet drives home the point:

The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.

This quote has caused much debate amongst investors, since it was spoken by Buffett as a warning to them to be more selective when choosing stocks. Investing aside, the quote is also a useful self-leadership tip for the rest of us struggling to effectively manage our businesses and work lives.


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Cursor and Wave riding generators promise the cheapest clean energy everSea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) has been working for more than a decade on a floating wave energy device it calls the Waveline Magnet. With several prototypes tested on- and off-shore, the company claims it delivers "ultra low cost," with high output.

Solar electricity generation is proliferating globally and becoming a key pillar of the decarbonization era. Lunar energy is taking a lot longer; tidal and wave energy is tantalizingly easy to see; step into the surf in high wave conditions and it's obvious there's an enormous amount of power in the ocean, just waiting to be tapped. But it's also an incredibly harsh and punishing environment, and we're yet to see tidal or wave energy harnessed on a mass scale.

Image: courtesy SWEL

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Female boss stands leaning on table at business me 2022 03 30 20 23 45 utcFundraising for a startup is never easy, but getting investors to write you a check is particularly brutal at the moment.

CNBC has called the current situation "the hardest fundraising climate in more than a decade," noting that "the shutdown of the IPO market has resulted in a virtual freeze in pre-IPO rounds, and the dramatic contraction of software multiples has stalled private deal flows." While there are plenty of companies still having success raising money, at the moment there is little to no margin for error for founders.


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Test score sheet with answers grade a and pencil 2021 09 02 21 27 37 utcI've found that setting goals with my team has been one of the most beneficial activities in my business. In fact, I've often said that if I were to only spend one week out of the year working on my business, I would spend it all on setting goals with my team.

But regardless of which goal-setting framework you use or how many goals you set, what's most important is honing in on the right goals for your business. When I consult with companies, I often find they're setting goals based on their gut instincts, instead of looking critically at where they should put their efforts to push the business forward as quickly as possible.


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