Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

CincyTech CEO Mike Venerable talks startups with Forbes Cincinnati Business Courier

Cincinnati's startup community recently got a national shoutout from one of its biggest champions, Mike Venerable, who was featured in a Forbes Q&A highlighting the region's reputation as a "hotbed" for burgeoning new companies.

In the Q&A with Venerable, the CincyTech CEO and native Ohioan told Forbes that since CincyTech began investing in startups in 2007, the city of Cincinnati now feels "entirely different."

"I especially remember in ‘07, ‘08, ‘09, you’d be downtown, and it felt like living in a black-and-white movie. There were tumbleweeds blowing down the street," he said. 


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Calendar Date Time Free photo on Pixabay

In 2018, nearly half of Americans said they were "somewhat likely" or "very likely" to make a New Year's resolution, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

While making a resolution is easy, fulfilling those commitments may depend on the way you frame them, says Johns Hopkins clinical psychologist Neda Gould, director of the mindfulness program at Johns Hopkins and associate director of the anxiety disorders clinic at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.


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In the US, unprecedented numbers of seniors are pushing past the once typical retirement age of 65 and working until about 72. Simultaneously, millennials are hustling to amass income-generating assets and living off rice and beans to retire early.

While there's no one way to approach retirement, many are getting creative in stretching their money for a comfortable — and even luxurious — third act of life. One strategy? Retiring abroad.


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Stress Anxiety Depression Free photo on Pixabay

Zulfi, a coaching client of mine, is the envy of many of his peers. As the general manager of a large, successful business, his work is one of the CEO’s core priorities. He does good work and is well-loved by his team.

But Zulfi has a secret. He suffers from anxiety. It keeps him up at night, impacts his health, and takes a lot of time and energy to manage. When people praise Zulfi’s poise during a major customer presentation, they’re unaware that he survived the meeting by taking anti-anxiety medication. Zulfi handles two jobs each day: the one outlined in his job description and the other managing his anxiety.


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Education comes at a cost. Unfortunately, this cost is really high in the USA, especially compared with other countries such as Canada and the UK. While there are somewhat affordable options out there, we’ve made here a list of the most expensive colleges in the United States for the academic year 2019–2020.

To make this top 20, we’ve added up tuition and fees, as well as the average cost of room and board where each college is located. Sadly, this year, attending college comes at a cost that is higher than it has ever been before. Do you have what it takes to attend these 20 colleges?


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Question Mark Why Problem Free photo on Pixabay

I get contacted regularly by startups looking to partner with large, global companies who can give them scale. My work over the years has shown me a number of these deals from both sides of the table. While almost all of these relationships make some logical sense on paper, in reality they are way more difficult to implement than founders initially think.


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Light Bulb Lights Bokeh Free photo on Pixabay

It is widely believed that breakthrough innovation is more likely to be achieved by teams. Research has found that teams generally outperform individuals when attempting to create impactful innovations such as highly cited technological patents or scientific publications.

However, our research has uncovered a factor that plays a key role in determining whether team outcomes will be superior to those of lone inventors: the structure of the invention — that is, the extent to which the invention can be broken down into separate components or “modules.”


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There's probably not an investor on the planet who's more closely followed by Wall Street than Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A)(NYSE:BRK-B) CEO Warren Buffett. That's because his long-term track record is unmatched.

Beginning with roughly $10,000 in seed capital in the mid-1950s, Buffett has bolstered his net worth to around $89 billion, which doesn't include the tens of billions of dollars he's donated to charity over the years. Berkshire Hathaway, which has acquired around five dozen companies and is currently invested in 48 securities, has also created more than $400 billion in shareholder value for investors over the years.


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A startup incubator is a collaborative program that helps new startup to grow. It aids entrepreneurs in solving discrepancies associated with running of startup. Globally, incubators have become a biome with an array of initiatives that motivate and back economic growth. However, talking about India, incubators are a recent phenomenon, which is sure to upswing in the coming days. In this article, we have tried to focus on some incubators trends for startups that we expect in 2020.


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Fire Burn Hell Free photo on Pixabay

It rains in the Amazon because the trees want it to. There is plenty of moisture in the oceans that surround the continent, but there is also a hidden reservoir on the land feeding an invisible river that flows upward to the sky. The water held in the soil is lifted up by the bodies of the trees and lost through the surfaces of their leaves to the atmosphere. The local sky plumps with moisture, primed for the arrival of the seasonal rains driven by the annual back-and-forth march of the sun’s rays. As climate scientist Alex Hall puts it, the trees are co-conspiring with the sky to attract an earlier monsoon.


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Chris Westfall

Toxic cultures. Difficult bosses. When the fun has been pulled out of your function at work, you may be thinking about quitting your job. According to some eye-opening statistics, there may never be a better time to go out on your own as an independent contractor in the gig economy.


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Jacky Chou

When the internet was beginning to be commercially adopted in the early 1990s, few predicted how it would completely overhaul the marketing industry over the next two decades. Ingenious search engines that navigate a plethora of budding websites, along with the first online display and search ads, marked a drastic turn of marketing dynamics as individuals's active search behavior allowed for much more relevant and efficient ad delivery. 


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Victor Hwang, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Today is my last day in the office, as I transition out of my role as vice president of entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation. For the past four years, I’ve had the great privilege and honor to serve. With the holiday season to reflect on life’s blessings, I am beyond grateful to you. 

Victor Hwang, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Leaving Kauffman is bittersweet. I’ll miss it. I have learned, grown, stretched, and been stretched in countless ways. When I was considering whether to accept this job, a predecessor urged me, “When you get a chance to be the VP of Entrepreneurship at the Kauffman Foundation, accept first, and ask questions later!” I’ve heard his voice echo in my head over the years. And now, I know exactly what he meant.


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Jeff bezos

Since 1999, Amazon's disruptive bravado has made “getting Amazoned” a fear for executives in any sector the tech giant sets its sights on. Here are the industries that could be under threat next.

Jeff Bezos once famously said, “Your margin is my opportunity.” Today, Amazon is finding opportunities in industries that would have been unthinkable for the company to attack even a few years ago.

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time logo

Each year, TIME’s photo editors look at millions of news pictures. They’re found in the folds of magazines and newspapers, on websites and in the deep scrolls of social networks; they’re made by veteran staffers, independent photographers, eyewitnesses and everyone in between. Throughout the year, we set aside ones that made us pause and reflect: on the states of news and politics, on the states of humanity and our planet.


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Weight Loss Nutrition Free image on Pixabay

Each year, as the calendar turns from December to January, millions of people make resolutions. And each year, surveys show, many of those self-promises relate to wellness, whether it’s losing weight, eating better, exercising more or simply getting healthier.

But “getting healthier” isn’t a fixed concept. If health advice is anything, it’s fickle. While some concepts stand the test of time—eat fruits and vegetables, get plenty of sleep, exercise when you can—other trends are over practically as soon as they begin. (Remember appetite-suppressant lollipops and Shake Weights?)


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Duke University lands 130M partnership to bolster drug spin outs Triangle Business Journal

Duke University has locked down a $130 million partnership to expand its commercialization efforts – giving a boost to the university's potential for more drug spin-outs.

The university has announced a collaboration with Deerfield Management Company – a New York-based a health care investment firm – to form a new company to back research on Duke's campus. The company is named Four Points Innovation and will be funded initially by the $130 million provided by Deerfield. The funding is expected to last for at least 10 years.

Image: Duke University has formed a partnership to expand research and development on the campus. CHRIS HILDRETH, DUKE UNIVERSITY PHOTOGRAPHY

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Last year, the first permitted 3D printed house in the U.S. went up in Austin, Texas. The house was a buzz-generating proof of concept, a wacky example of the cool things tech can do. At the time, its creators — construction technologies startup ICON and housing nonprofit New Story — were raising money to fund construction of homes for low-income families in Latin America.


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