Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.


If just the thought of managing your finances gives you anxiety, you aren’t alone: Money is the No. 1 stressor in America.

Though there’s no shortage of financial advice, this can often add to the guilt, as many of us already know what we should be doing. So instead of reminding you to budget and save for retirement, we asked these self-made millionaires and Advisors in The Oracles for their best unconventional money hacks, which you likely haven’t heard before:

Image: Illustration: The Oracles

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5 Things You Should Do To Become a Thought Leader In Your Industry with Kevin Tucker Thrive Global

As part of our series about how to become known as a thought leader in your industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Kevin Tucker. Kevin is the CEO of SOLitude Lake Management. Kevin Tucker started SOLitude Lake Management® to focus on the growing need for the adequate management of lakes and stormwater retention ponds and the preservation of our natural and man-made freshwater resources. SOLitude Lake Management is a full-service lake and pond management firm devoted to providing its clients with a wide array of aquatic services throughout the country. His firm provides lake, stormwater pond, reservoir, and wetland management programs designed to restore water quality, improve habitat, protect public health, and develop world class fisheries while preserving public, recreational and aesthetic value — and, ultimately, achieving greater ecological balance.


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Canadian venture capital funding is on a tear in 2019, and investments hit their highest point on record in the third quarter.

Overall, venture investors put a mammoth US$1.8 billion to work in Q3 of this year, according to the Canadian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA), which published its latest quarterly results this week. It’s the highest quarterly total since they’ve been tracking and almost 80 percent above Q2 levels.


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Magic Cube Patience Tricky Free photo on Pixabay

If you're trying to break into tech, learning certain new skills will help push you forward.

The job search site Indeed released a report this month about the top tech skills of 2019 based on job descriptions that are being posted. 

Andrew Flowers, an economist at Indeed, says that in today's job market, there are two major trends that drive the top skills in tech. The first is the rise of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The second is the rise of cloud computing.


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Hospital Labor Delivery Free photo on Pixabay

Believe it or not, registered nurses don't like when you call them over by yelling out "nurse."

Business Insider spoke with nurses across the country to find out what you should never say to them during a hospital or clinic visit.

Many nurses said they have busy shifts and would appreciate it if a patient could cut to the chase when reciting medical history. Other nurses warned that patients should never to lie to them, since that could put their own health at risk.


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A proposed biotech campus in east San Carlos will be the mid-Peninsula’s third largest project seeking approval and would double the city’s work force to 14,000.

San Carlos Mayor Mark Olbert said at council’s Monday (Nov. 25) meeting that the proposal by Alexandria Real Estate Equities is the single largest project in the city’s history.

The 1.6-million-square-foot campus is slated for the area between Old County Road, Commercial Street, Industrial Road and the Pulgas Creek.


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Eileen McDermott

This year has included many twists and turns for IP stakeholders, particularly on the patent side. Most recently, the Federal Circuit’s decision in Arthrex has called into question the constitutionality of Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions, and perhaps the Board itself. Elsewhere, Congress has been—unsuccessfully—attempting to step in and clarify U.S. patent law since early in the year, while the courts have continued to muddy the waters of patent eligibility law. The Federal Trade Commission’s case against Qualcomm, and Judge Lucy Koh’s decision, have further called into question the United States’ ability to compete on the innovation front going forward. And yet, there have been some wins in other areas this year, including at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and there remain many reasons to be hopeful about the year ahead.


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Peter Daisyme

The end of the year is fast approaching, and it’s on track to go out with a bang. Adobe projects that U.S. online sales will reach record highs from this month through December, a 14 percent increase over last year. Capturing that year-end sales rush is key, but it’s even more crucial to properly prepare your business for 2020.


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Years ago, executive coaching was stigmatized as “remedial help for underperformers.” More recently, it’s transformed into an elite, high-cost activity, often reserved for the highest-status executives. But in both cases — whether helping the worst or the best performers — executive coaching has been inherently small scale, due to its bespoke, one-on-one nature. Organizations have increasingly embraced the idea of internal leaders providing more coaching to their direct reports.


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Many leaders care about gender diversity — at least they say they do. LinkedIn research shows that 78% of talent professionals say that diversity is a top hiring priority for their company and gender diversity in particular is the number one issue they’re tackling in this area.


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Roger Trapp

As co-founder of the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz and prior to that a software company sold to Hewlett-Packard for $1.6 billion, Ben Horowitz might be expected to have filled his new book with references to the technology companies with which he is so familiar. And, sure, the book What You Do Is Who You Are does contain plenty of references to the likes of Netflix, Slack and Uber. But these companies and their leaders do not provide the lessons that Horowitz uses in answering that central question:


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Presenting our top 10 recommendations from our report in partnership with Bpifrance

Since the term accelerator was first used back in 2005 by Y Combinator, we’ve seen the concept develop and become an increasingly important tool for startups to get off the ground.

The traditional acceleration program for startups usually consists of short but intense learning periods including some financial support and coaching for founders. This framework, tried and tested, works well for web or mobile applications.


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Earlier this week indoor advertising platform Adzily raised $12.2-million in funding from a Saudi investor in what’s likely the second biggest venture capital (VC) deal to have been announced involving an Egyptian startup in 2019.

The biggest VC deal announced so far this year involving an Egyptian startup is Swvl‘s whopping $42-million raise in June (see this story).

Other notable transactions include MaxAB‘s September $6.2-million seed round (see this story) and Almentor’s $4.5-million Series-A round (the startup’s founder and the VC that led the deal are both Egyptians, see this story).


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Spark creates tech enabled rugby ball to help kids achieve screen time and playtime balance The Drum

New Zealand telco Spark has created Bluetooth-enabled smart rugby ball to help families achieve a healthy balance of screen time and active playtime.

According to Spark, the motivation behind creating the smart rugby ball stems from the understanding that Kiwi children are facing a struggle to find balance with technology in their lives.

The prototype product, which is created in partnership with Gilbert Rugby, Nakatomi, child psychologist Dr. Emma Woodward and Colenso BBDO, is currently under trial by local families.

Image: - From video.

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Girl Teen Café Free photo on Pixabay

Public health experts have worked hard to remind us about the importance of exercise—for mental as well as physical health. Research has linked physical activity to alleviating symptoms of depression; lowering risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity; and living longer.

But the first global country-by-country report on teenagers’ physical activity suggests that the vast majority of the world’s teens aren’t getting the message. In a study published Nov. 21 in Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, researchers at the World Health Organization (WHO) analyzed the results of surveys that included 1.6 million adolescents aged 11 to 17 years from 146 countries in 2001 and then again in 2016.


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Joseph Allen

“While we must effectively respond to China and others looking to do us harm, we must avoid inadvertently undermining the very policies which made us the leader in turning government funded R&D into cutting edge products. Unfortunately, the initial bureaucratic response is not reassuring on that score.”


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Teacher Property Plant And Free photo on Pixabay

Entrepreneurship is a commonly used term today, and especially when there is a global surge in startup culture. However, it is important that we give our due respect to this word and learn to differentiate it from just an equity-holder of a company. An entrepreneur is someone who initiates the business, drives it and is accountable for its profit and growth – he/she is a leader in true sense! However, what good will all that be of if an entrepreneur is unable to influence the right people in the right manner.


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Entrepreneurship has seldom been sexier, with the press awash with stories of technological disruption and the tremendous changes emerging across society as a result of the bold and courageous innovators that are bucking the norm.

Indeed, research suggests we're in the midst of an “entrepreneurial economy,” which has prompted governments and corporations to lend their heft to the entrepreneurial wave, with incubators and accelerators popping up left, right and center.


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MNewImageillennials have come a long way in business since I started writing about them nearly ten years ago. They started out as that spoiled generation of kids, born between about 1982 and 2004, who had everything, and could care less about business. Today they are in every business, and will likely comprise 50 percent of the workforce by 2020. Their success is now vital to our success.


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Eva de Mol is a venture capitalist whose expertise is helping scaling companies build cohesive teams. She also has a joint Ph.D. in economics from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of California, Berkeley Haas Business School. Her academic research focused on the relationship between a team's composition and venture success. She uses team assessment methods to evaluate teams in a structured way.

Image: Janneke Niessen, co-founder at CapitalT and Eva de Mol, co-founder and manageing partner at CapitalT - ANNE_TIMMER

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