Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Consumers aren t finding minimalist logos likable or authentic Business Insider

It turns out the on-trend logos are, the research says, getting it wrong.

We've become used to seeing simple, elegant logos for many companies in recent years (think Mastercard, Dunkin', or Slack). But as new research suggests, many minimalist logos aren't effective because they don't indicate what the company does. An effective logo hints at what product or service is being offered. This translates to making a brand more profitable.


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US cities and towns with more Spanish than English speakers Business Insider

September is Hispanic Heritage Month.

Hispanic-Americans are described as people who descent from Spanish-speaking countries. According to the Pew Research Center, 41 million people speak Spanish in the US, and the majority of Latino adults are bilingual. In some areas of the US, especially in cities around the Southwest, you're more likely to hear Spanish than English.


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Richard Boyatzis, professor at Case Western Reserve University, says that every professional can benefit from having a coach — and serving as one for someone else. He says that a coaching relationship moves beyond mentoring or sponsoring in that it focuses on long-term values and aspirations. The best coaches encourage a positive mindset and ask probing questions to help people make the best choices, not only in their careers but also in their personal lives. Boyatzis is coauthor of the HBR article “Coaching for Change.”


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When we talk about new businesses, there are a variety of ways to fund your startup, including venture capital, bootstrapping, and small business loans.

But what do each of these terms mean?

Venture Capital Venture capital is a form of private equity provided by investors to startups and emerging companies with high-growth potential. In exchange, the investor receives equity (ownership) in the company.


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Guidance and inspiration are two constants in a successful entrepreneur’s life. And while mentors and peers in the ecosystem can provide both in abundance, there is nothing like finding wisdom between the pages of a well-written book. 

When the going gets tough and ideas run dry, read the stories of other founders who have been there and done that, waged all the wars you are faced with at the moment, and have found success. 


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In my years of mentoring entrepreneurs, a problem I have seen too often is low self-esteem, and over-compensating through arrogance and ego. These entrepreneurs find it hard to respect customers or team members, and their ventures usually fail. As a team member, low self-esteem leads to low confidence, poor productivity, and no job satisfaction. Fortunately, both can be fixed.


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I’m sure that every one of us who has been out in the business world for a few years can look back with perfect hindsight and name a few college courses that we should have taken. What’s more disconcerting to me is that I can name a few that aren’t usually even offered, resulting in more than a few students graduating ill-prepared for the real business world!


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Most of us are aware that the nature of work is changing. According to Singularity University, while emerging technologies may destroy many jobs, they will also create many new appealing ones. Widespread innovation, in the imagination age, will give birth to exciting new industries, all of which are sources of new jobs and occupations. It’s exciting to imagine an intriguing parallel future in which technology has created even more opportunities for the workforce. Where people will maximize the potential of all three of their key modalities; heads, hearts, and hands to fill the interpersonal and creative roles that will be hardest of all to mechanize. Where, according to Deloitte, in the recent article, “The path to prosperity: Why the future of work is human” the boring, repetitive work will be done by robots, leaving the more challenging, creative and interesting work for us humans, making leading people, a key priority.


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Let’s imagine for a moment that we’ve reached the middle of the century. It’s 2050, and we have a moment to reflect—the climate fight remains the consuming battle of our age, but its most intense phase may be in our rearview mirror. And so we can look back to see how we might have managed to dramatically change our society and economy. We had no other choice.


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University of Maryland researchers have discovered that seemingly identical cells can use different protein molecules to carry out the same function in an important cellular process. The scientists named this newly discovered variability "functional mosaicism," and it has significant implications for the development of therapeutic treatments, which are often designed to target a specific molecule, or a gene that produces a specific molecule.

Image: Snusha Ravikumar/University of Maryland

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It’s just after 7 in the morning in the Pakistani city of Jacobabad, and donkey-cart driver Ahsan Khosoo is already drenched in sweat. For the past two hours, the 24-year-old laborer has been hauling jugs of drinking water to local residences. When the water invariably spills from the blue jerricans, it hits the pavement with an audible hiss and turns to steam. It’s hot, he agrees, but that’s not an excuse to stop. The heat will only increase as the day wears on, and what choice does he have? “Even if it were so hot as if the land were on fire, we would keep working.” He pauses to douse his head with a bucket of water.


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It’s the first time scientists have made this discovery for a planet whose distance from its star means it could theoretically have liquid water on its surface.

Astronomers have detected evidence of water on a potentially habitable planet outside our solar system for the first time.

The findings show that planet K2-18b, which orbits a red dwarf star 110 light-years from Earth and was already thought to be potentially habitable, has water vapor within its atmosphere.


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