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innovation DAILY

Here we highlight selected innovation related articles from around the world on a daily basis.  These articles related to innovation and funding for innovative companies, and best practices for innovation based economic development.

Motivated and focused sporty woman 2021 08 26 19 57 57 utcWe're over two years into the Covid-19 pandemic, and it seems that society has returned to some semblance of normal. It is a new normal, certainly, but at least we are no longer scrambling to buy up rolls of toilet paper or fashioning make-shift masks out of T-shirts.

But while our social calendars once again consist of in-person meet-ups, concerts and restaurant outings, for many of us, our professional lives remain online. For some, this is out of necessity — offices are closed or operating on hybrid in-person and remote schedules; however, an overwhelming majority of the workforce is choosing to work from home.


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Cursor and Mechanochemical breakthrough unlocks cheap safe powdered hydrogenAustralian scientists say they've made a "eureka moment" breakthrough in gas separation and storage that could radically reduce energy use in the petrochemical industry, while making hydrogen much easier and safer to store and transport in a powder.

Nanotechnology researchers, based at Deakin University's Institute for Frontier Materials, claim to have found a super-efficient way to mechanochemically trap and hold gases in powders, with potentially enormous and wide-ranging industrial implications.

Image: Deakin researchers have described a novel mechanochemical process that can store gases safely in powders, using very little energy, in a repeatable process - Depositphotos

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8 Post LinkedInThis is the most FASCINATING historical and visual progression on 2,000 years of wealth from a GDP perspective. On one hand, it's sad to view the colonization (translation=conquering) of some countries in the first millennia. On the other hand, it was amazing to view the birth and explosive growth of the USA. Worth a watch...


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Stack of gold bars financial and reserve of value 2022 01 03 15 49 21 utcEvery quarter our firm goes through a process to value our entire portfolio. Those values, on a schedule of investments we publish to our investors every quarter, flow through to our financial statements and capital accounts and establish how much an interest in our partnerships are worth at that time.

We have always taken this process very seriously and approach it with a lot of rigor. Every partner is highly engaged with this process. Although we have a fantastic financial team at USV, we do not simply outsource valuing the portfolio to them because we understand that those who are closest to the portfolio companies will have the best view of what they are worth.


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Awan 12 challenging data science interview questions 6If you ask me, the hiring managers are not looking for the correct answers. They want to evaluate your work experience, technical knowledge, and logical thinking. Furthermore, they are looking for data scientists who understand both the business and technical sides.

For example, during an interview with a top telecommunication company, I was asked to come up with a new data science product. I suggested an open-source solution and let the community contribute to the project. I explained my thought process and how we can monetize the product by providing premium service to paid customers.

Image: Image by Author | Canva Pro

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People united to each other with a mental link lin 2021 08 30 23 33 52 utcSummary: A new study reveals a genetic link between Alzheimer’s disease and several gut-related disorders. Researchers report Alzheimer’s patients and those with intestinal disorders have specific genes in common. The findings add to the evidence the gut-brain axis may play a role in the development of neurodegenerative disorders.

Source: Edith Cowan University

People with gut disorders may be at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

A world-first Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has confirmed the link between the two, which could lead to earlier detection and new potential treatments.

AD destroys memory and thinking ability and is the most prevalent form of dementia.

It has no known curative treatments and is expected to affect more than 82 million people and cost US$2 trillion by 2030.


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Crowd 2021 08 29 09 45 18 utcIdentifying patients ‘outside the clinic’ can provide significant benefits for researchers and population health managers. Better understanding of patient cohorts can shed light on patient journeys, help optimize decisions around treatment choice and timing and inform the development of new therapies and intervention programs. Even without ‘in-clinic’ insight - the ability to directly interact with the patient, to confirm their membership in a cohort - we have plenty of population-level tools we can use to try to identify patients.


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Cursor and Microsoft launches Project AirSim an end to end platform to accelerate autonomous flight Innovation StoriesJosh Riedy knew it wasn’t real – that he wasn’t actually hovering near the top of a wind turbine in North Dakota, hundreds of feet off the ground. But it didn’t matter when he looked down. His stomach still dropped as if he were on a rollercoaster.

The CEO of Airtonomy was inside a digital replica of a real wind farm at the time, trailing a simulated drone through virtual reality glasses as it inspected towering turbines. His North Dakota-based company has been using these hyper-realistic simulations to train autonomous aerial vehicles that are now inspecting wind farms, surveying wildlife and detecting leaks in oil tanks across the Midwest.


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Dna molecule structure 2021 08 26 18 26 30 utcHow life originated on Earth continues to fascinate scientists, but it's not easy peering back billions of years into the past. Now, evidence is growing for a relatively new hypothesis of how life began: with a very precise mix of RNA and DNA.

RNA and DNA both determine the genetic make-up of all biological life, with DNA acting as a genetic blueprint and RNA as a blueprint reader or decoder. For a long time, it was thought that RNA developed on Earth first, with DNA evolving afterwards – but mounting evidence suggests they may have emerged at the same time and both been involved in kickstarting life on the planet.


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Cursor and NASA UniverseWith the release of the James Webb Space Telescope's first images on July 12 (and a sneaky reveal by US President Joe Biden on July 11), NASA, ESA and the Canadian Space Agency proved the $10 billion, 1-million-miles-from-Earth, two decade-long dream 'scope actually works. And it works flawlessly. Just take a look at the upgraded visuals Webb delivered over its predecessor, Hubble. They're visceral masterpieces that force us to think of the universe's magnificence and reflect on our solar system's negligible corner within.


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Dash of chevrolet bolt ev electric battery dash 2021 08 29 22 32 26 utcMany of the cheapest, cleanest sources of power are dependent on environmental conditions — turbines can’t spin if the wind isn’t blowing, and solar panels can’t harvest energy if the sun isn’t shining (usually).

Fossil fuels don’t have that consistency problem — you can burn coal or natural gas at any time to produce electricity — so we rely on them for times when renewable energy isn’t available.


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Air protein meat alternative technology dezeen 2364 col hero 852x479Following the recent news about an avocado alternative called Ecovado, here is a roundup of 10 innovations that aim to reduce the carbon impact of the food industry and our diets.

The global food system, including the actions that take food from farm to plate such as transportation and production, is estimated to contribute 30 per cent of total greenhouse gas emissions, with over half of those a result of livestock agriculture.


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Hydrogen renewable metal fuel tank green energy co 2021 09 06 17 31 22 utcIf you encounter it at all, it might be on the highway. Driving down I-95 from Boston to New York City, you’ll pull into a rest stop and notice a sign advertising “clean hydrogen fuel.” As you pass an 18-wheeler parked in the lot, you might catch a glimpse of a decal near the gas cap — green letters that read, “powered by H2.”


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Entrepreneur man explaining company strategy looki 2021 12 16 00 18 13 utcData analytics is a fast-growing field and the World Economic Forum declared it one of the fastest emerging professions in the US in a 2020 report. Interest in the field has sparked a lot of curiosity about data analytics certifications in both aspiring data analysts and professionals alike.


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Senior asian technician is charging the electric c 2021 08 30 13 14 59 utcNew battery technologies are on the way to electric vehicles, offering longer range, faster charging, lower sticker price, and less range degradation.

These new batteries will be more environmentally friendly too.

EV Lithium Ion According to CNET, Sila Nanotechnologies is replacing the graphite anode that forms a lot of the bulk and 15% of the weight of the recent lithium-ion batteries with a form of silicon that it claims will give battery cells up to a 40% increase in energy density while also charging faster.


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6821707f d1b2 439a a90a 71211304f5fcYour business can’t be all things to all people, and excel at anything. Every entrepreneur and every business needs a strategy to keep them focused. In fact, in this new world of pervasive interactivity, it’s time to rethink even how to develop a strategy. Strategy used to come from the inside looking out, but now it must come from a dialogue and engagement with constituents.


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355f8746 77cd 49c3 9590 0d8648f125cbWe are living in a new generation of business, where customers drive the experience, and highly engaged employees are required to keep up with customer expectations. Traditional business leadership practices, including autocratic, reactive, and narcissistic, aren’t good enough. Over 16 percent of workers are still actively disengaged, and half have left at least one job because they hated their boss.


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Difficult decision 2021 08 29 04 28 09 utcToday’s venture capital market feels strange because it isn’t uniform. While some companies are still able to raise mega-rounds, reach unicorn status, and even attract lots of new capital in sectors that have seen their exits struggle on the public markets, other startups are not having similar luck.

After several years in which capital flowed freely and the entire venture capital ecosystem and startup market marched in lockstep toward bigger, faster rounds at new, higher prices, we’re in a more mixed environment today. This has made reporting on Q2 venture capital totals a bit tricky; Yes, for example, fintech venture totals are falling, but they remain above 2020 levels. Is that bad or good?


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