In 2011 green will be the thing. It's the fastest growing trend in food, buildings, and businesses. Don't miss out--green is the new bottom line. Here are 11 habits that will get you out of the dark and into the green. Get good at them and you will save resources, money, and your health AND you will have fun in the process.
1. Make ORGANIC a habit
Organic food, products, and materials can improve your chances of living a healthy life (especially for children), decrease your propensity toward certain diseases (like obesity, certain cancers, and even ADHD), and keep dangerous pesticides out of the environment. The majority of green house gas emissions from food occur before leaving the farm gate—so eating organic food can reduce your carbon footprint even more than eating local, but doing both is the best. Make a habit of visiting your local farmer’s market and you will be helping your local economy, getting the healthiest food possible, and spending less per nutrient than in the aisle of the grocery store. Memorize the dirty dozen and you will never be stranded wondering whether it is worth more to buy the organic apple versus the conventional one.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Eleven effective habits for a greener 2011 | The Vancouver Observer - News, Culture, Sports, Blogs in Vancouver, BC
Author: Manda Aufochs Gillespie