Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

I Come from a family of scientists and educationists. The word ‘catering college’ in my scholarly home elicited uninspiring visions of a cook labouring away behind some stove or a waiter taking orders. My father, Late Dr Snehamoy Chatterjee, was an Emeritus Scientist of Epitomology at the Indian Centre of Agriculture. He had high hopes from me, destined to flourish in physiology and zoology. So, my decision to switch to the nearest hospitality and catering institute nearly gave him a heart attack.

We have come a long way since then. Today being known as a chef or a restaurateur is a social compliment. The world looks up to the two occupations as something between a wizard or some practitioner of magic with secret ingredients and recipes, and a suave person of the world who can patronise the food connoisseurs. Welcome to the world of food entrepreneurship.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Foodpreneurship has finally arrived in India - The Economic Times