Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

The announcement of Eric Schmidt moving aside as Google CEO to let cofounder Larry Page take over is a "teaching moment" for CEOs of all kinds of companies. For a crucial decade in its growth, Google was led not by a single CEO, but by a team that gave it immense strategic and management strength. Google has taught us all a lot about search, maps, apps, and lots of other things, but it may be that the most important and overlooked lesson is in innovation management. Why? Google is a pioneer in what I call B-I Leadership--Bi-Generational, Boomer, Gen-X, Gen-Y management.

We all know by now that we live in an age of sharp technological and cultural bifurcation. There has been so much change so quickly that Boomers are immigrants to a world that Gen X and Yers are born into. The way people in their teens and 20s go about their lives--their platforms, their interactions, their values, their aspirations--are vastly different from their parents and grandparents. In addition, the acceleration and multiplicity of change is producing a world of extraordinary complexity. We know this.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Google's Greatest Innovation May Be Its Management Practice | Fast Company

Author: Bruce Nussbaum