Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

A few weeks ago the CEO of Videoplaza, one of my portfolio companies, and I visited Silicon Valley. The purpose of the trip was mostly market intelligence, but we took a few meetings with some venture capitalists as well. One of those meetings was with James Slavet, of Greylock Ventures, investors in Linkedin, Facebook and most recently Groupon. While the meeting was short and very cursory, both Sorosh and I were struck by how friendly he was, particularly to us as a start-up. He offered us office space while we were in the Valley, made sure Sorosh had some vitamin-C to ward off a cold he was catching and indicated a willingness to reconnect and chat at any time about the market and landscape. He seemed eager to open doors and help in any way he could.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Start-Up 100: What's wrong with European venture capital? - Telegraph
