Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

What we need for 21st century business development is entrepreneurial fusion, not entrepreneurial fission. This is the view of Martin Curley (Intel’s Global Director of Innovation), Piero Formica (Founder of the International Entrepreneurship Academy) and Vincenzo Nicolò (President of the Technical Board of the Italian Association of Machine Tool Builders). Writing in the February issue of Industry and Higher Education, Curley, Formica and Nicolò argue in favour of a new approach, which they characterize as the ‘experimental business laboratory’. They contend that established methods of business incubation attempt to produce entrepreneurial ‘energy’ through a process of fission, ‘creating a division between aspiring entrepreneurs’ demands for, and the supply of support and services’.  For Curley, Formica and Nicolò, this is the old world. ‘The concept of nuclear fusion,’ they say, ‘is useful as a metaphor for the type of businesses that must be launched in the future. As with fusion, in which there are high releases of energy with potentially less toxic waste produced than from nuclear fission, the world needs new kinds of businesses that optimize not only cost and market efficiency and effectiveness but also ecological and resource efficiency.’ For more details, see

Rich Bendis is proud to serve on the International Advisory  Board of industry & Higher Education