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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the award of seven cooperative agreements to help a group of “Early Innovator” states design and implement the information technology (IT) infrastructure needed to operate Health Insurance Exchanges. These states are leading the way on building a better health insurance marketplace, one that allows individuals and small-business owners to pool their purchasing power to negotiate lower rates. Using these new funds, the Early Innovator states will develop Exchange IT models that can be adopted and tailored by other states.

Kansas, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Wisconsin, and a consortium of New England states will receive a total of approximately $241 million. Information on how much each state or consortium will receive and how each will use the grant funds is available at

To read the full, original article click on this link: States Leading the Way on Implementation: HHS Awards “Early Innovator” Grants to Seven States