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When you pitch your startup to potential investors, you better be excited and prepared. That's the lesson from Launch conference right now, where a group of panelists just administered a verbal beatdown to Appconomy CEO Brian Magierski, which makes a mobile app called Groupin for tracking your participation in different groups.

The basic problem expressed by angel investor Dave McClure was that there are plenty of other mobile groups apps out there, and that Appconomy wasn't presenting anything unique or new. Yammer founder David Sacks pointed out that users could do exactly the same thing through Facebook, and wondered how Appconomy could hope to make a business appealing to the steadily diminishing group of people who AREN'T on Facebook.

To read the full, original article click on this link: "TRAIN WRECK": Here's What Happens When A Startup Pitch Goes Bad

Author: Matt Rosoff