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I hate self-help books. And any books or articles or “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (or “Power of Now”) stuff that don’t really speak from experience and don’t really give you specific steps towards achievement.

When you have a gun to your head, with two kids, a mortgage, and your entire self-esteem at risk, you need PRACTICAL methods for moving forward. And you need them from someone who can speak from experience and say, “this works.”

Practical doesn’t mean: “incorporate your company, hire programmers, etc”. And it doesn’t mean “appreciate the moment”. Once that moment is over you have the rest of your life to worry about. Practical means building the basic foundation that I know for a fact creates wealth. I’ve had the gun to my head. And it even fired. But I dodged the bullet because of the below.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 25 Unusual Methods For Making A Trillion Dollars

Author: James Altucher