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The iPad is not a computer, and competitors who approach it like the PC market will fail, says Apple's Steve Jobs.

Like he did at last year's iPad introduction, Jobs closed today's iPad 2 event by talking about Apple's philosophy of marrying technology with liberal arts (always a nice moment for all the former English lit and philosophy majors following along at home).

Then he explained why he thinks Apple will continue to stay ahead in the tablet market:

Our competitors are looking at this like it's the next PC market. That is not the right approach to this. These are post-PC devices that need to be easier to use than a PC, more intuitive. The hardware and software need to intertwine more than they do on a PC. We think we're on the right path with this.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Steve Jobs: Tablets Are Not PCs And Our Competitors Don't Get It

Author: Matt Rosoff