Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Startups provide business leadership with new products, services, and new revenue models, but leadership startups can only be built by entrepreneurs who are leaders themselves, and incent leadership in the people around them. Leadership which incents other people to be leaders is called “contagious leadership.”

John Hersey, in his book “Creating Contagious Leadership,” describes nine required habits for inspiring a contagious leadership culture within a startup, as well as within other types of businesses, or even life in general. He and I believe that leaders have to make the overt decision to acquire these habits or skills, and don’t have to be born or trained into them:

1. Spotlight leadership acts of others. This is the habit of focusing attention, directly or indirectly, on leadership efforts and accomplishments of another team member or group. For managers and non-contagious leaders (contained leaders), the spotlight seems to always be on themselves.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Startup Professionals Musings: Nine Habits That Make Contagious Startup Leaders
