Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

It’s been a couple of years since my last note concerning jobs and the economic downturn, and unfortunately it remains a challenge. I am sure you are wondering when the job market will snap back to its old self. But evolution in this market has already taken place – so you must adapt to meet the changes (good and bad) that make up the new reality.

“Mutations” to jobs have already occurred, such as permalancing, and these changes are emerging as the new “normal” for many Gen Yers across the country. These mutations can bring along a whole new set of issues, such as “free-floating” job insecurity and the eventual impact upon job satisfaction.

The old issues are still there, along with some new ones. Is job security now your primary issue? Not meeting your key career goals? Here are some thoughts to consider in 2011 . (Read the original article here at Some of the ideas remain as important as they were 2 years ago – others are new points to consider.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Innovation America Group News | LinkedIn
