Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Information overload is a constant these days. But transformation overload? Obstacle removal overload? Never gonna happen!

We need teachers and guides: What do I eat? How do I raise happy, kind kids? How can I be more peaceful? We’re a curious hungry bunch these days.

Which is good news for all you know-it alls teachers out there. You have information learning we’re hungry for. You know how to help us turn “good ideas” into bright new realities. And we want to pay you for what you know.

Only sometimes, perhaps, you find yourself not being paid. I’m with you! Here is what I’ve learned to help us stumble a bit less.

Psstt… this isn’t just about making more money – it’s way bigger. When you make your way of serving sustainable for you – financially and energetically – you will serve more, better, and easier. That will help more people. That’s really good news.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 Money Mistakes World-Changing Teachers Make

Author: Jennifer Louden