ASTRA has created the 2011 State R&D Sheet series for use by any and all. Now in their 10th year, the 2011 State R&D Sheets contain approximately 49 innovation benchmarks and where possible, rankings for each state and the District of Columbia. The individual State sheets show a given state's relative achievement in a variety of areas. The sheets also detail how federal R&D spending affects private industry, academic institutions, job creation, and the overall innovation ecosystem within a State.
The sheets are designed for quick reference and are used in visits with public officials who may not know what companies and universities play lead roles within their own state and local economies thanks to federal R&D spending. ASTRA has created these for immediate use in the 16th annual Congressional Visits Day Program slated for April 5-6, 2011, which is co-sponsors with the Science-Engineering-Technology Working Group (see Coupled with ASTRA's State STEM ED Report Card series (current thorough 2010) these handy benchmarking tools are created from a number of public databases and several private organizations' research products. Get your free download and learn more at