Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

David Lancashire is a Toronto entrepreneur taking advantage of Start-Up Chile a Chilean gov't incentive program that's attracting business start ups from around the world. - David Lancashire is a Toronto entrepreneur taking advantage of Start-Up Chile a Chilean gov't incentive program that's attracting business start ups from around the world. | Luis Hidalgo for the Globe and MailWhen Nicolas Shea completed his graduate program in entrepreneurship at Stanford University in 2009, he watched a stream of brilliant foreign students like him reluctantly say goodbye to Palo Alto, Calif., because of restrictive American immigration policies, taking their ideas with them.

Six months later, he launched StartUp Chile, a government program in his home country that hopes to become a major importer of just that kind of talent by offering $40,000, no-strings-attached grants to anyone who moves to Santiago to launch a company.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurship just needs ‘rich people and nerds’ - The Globe and Mail