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Even as Eric Schmidt steps down as chief executive at Google on Monday, he can leave with the satisfaction that his employee approval rating is at an all-time high. There’s an art to quitting when you’re on top.

Schmidt has an approval rating of 96 percent, up 3 percentage points from a year ago, according to employee approval surveys by Schmidt barely edged out Steve Jobs, whose rating fell 3 points to 95 percent. says that its latest survey of employee approval at the top 12 large technology companies yields some insights that aren’t normally measured with the daily ebb and flow of a company’s stock price.

But the top bosses at Yahoo and Microsoft aren’t so lucky, as might be predicted by the companies’ recent performance. Carol Bartz, CEO of Yahoo, saw her employee approval rating drop the farthest among the tech giants, with her approval rating coming in at 50 percent, 27 percentage points below a year ago. Still, Bartz’s approval rating is still higher than the 34 percent that Jerry Yang had as CEO of Yahoo at the time he stepped down.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Google’s Schmidt beats Apple’s Jobs in employee approval ratings | VentureBeat

Author: Dean Takahashi