Kansas’ Pipeline Entrepreneurial Fellowship program, imperiled by state budget cuts, has gotten a new and improved lifeline from Kansas City’s Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.
The foundation, which promotes entrepreneurship, said Thursday that it was providing Pipeline with a three-year challenge grant worth as much as $800,000 to expand regionally the grooming program for high-potential entrepreneurs. Now, 5-year-old Pipeline, a 501(c)(3) organization, must match that in donations from other sources.
CEO Joni Cobb said Pipeline has been in conversations with other organizations and geographic areas in recent years, looking at the potential for expansion as part of Pipeline’s natural evolution. But the announcement that Pipeline could lose Kansas dollars “put a little bit more sense of urgency to determining the right path forward,” she said.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Pipeline entrepreneur program plans expansion with Kauffman grant | Kansas City Business Journal