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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested Sunday that all immigrants come to Detroit as a way to repopulate the city — a concept that sparked sharply divided opinions.

Critics said it's an insane idea for a city battered longest by the recession and double-digit unemployment rates.


"There are no jobs to be had here," said Mary Ann Robertson, a Utica resident. "There are no industries here."

Others pondered the possibility of Motown rivaling the Big Apple. "We can be just as much a melting pot for America as New York is," said Adrian Green, 41, a lifelong Detroiter. "Anything that could bolster our (population) and our tax base, I am certainly in favor of.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Detroiters split on Bloomberg idea to repopulate city with immigrants | | The Detroit News

Author: Kim Kozlowski