A whole new crop of eager college grads are about to hit the job market and they’re coming your way. If you’re one of the increasing numbers of small business owners who are hiring, you’ll want to make sure that you hire the crème de la crème, not just any smooth talker with a shiny new degree. I asked several entrepreneurs how they go about hiring new grads, and they shared these unusual techniques:
Interview them again, and again (and again). Razor Suleman, CEO and founder of I Love Rewards, uses a four-step process to interview candidates at his Toronto- based company, which creates employee recognition programs. “The first step in our hiring process is an open house, which attracts upwards of 400 candidates,” he says. “It lets prospects get a feel for the company and allows us to personally meet every candidate.” A select few are invited to come back for a group interview, half of which is spent asking questions and half “half about selling the company, because you’ll always have to fight for an A-play,” says Suleman. A handful moves on to a skills interview, where prospects are asked to perform job-related tasks; and last, the company does “Topgrading” which Suleman says “takes the applicant back to high school and evaluates their ability to self-reflect, as well as the value of all their previous experiences.” The process, says Suleman, “may seem timely and excessive, but it has proven to work well and gives us the opportunity to gauge both personality and skill level.”
To read the full, original article click on this link: How To Weed Out The Recent Grads Who Aren't REALLY Passionate
Author: Donna Fenn