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Founded by Rich Bendis


It feels good to solve customers’ problems. They shower you with praise, and you get the satisfaction of feeling needed.

The ego boost can be addictive — I know it was for me.

The problem is, the more your customers need you and ask for you personally, the harder it is to grow your business, and — in the long run — the less valuable your company will be.

In my consulting business, I found myself in the role of fixing clients’ problems personally. It felt good at the time, and it certainly paid well, but I soon realized I wasn’t building anything of long-term value.

I had to get out of the business of solving individual customers’ problems, but I found it hard to train others in what had taken me years to learn.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Is Your Ego Getting in the Way of Your Business? | BNET
