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Just about every entrepreneur and investor in Silicon Valley has a special take on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to a startup. But precious few of their assessments are based on cold, hard facts. For an industry that runs on data and analytics, there has been surprisingly little in-depth research in the tech sector about what actually makes startups successful.

Seed accelerator Blackbox, has released the Startup Genome Report on Saturday, a comprehensive map of the factors beyond luck, talent and money that make Silicon Valley startups successful and spur innovation. Through surveys and interviews with nearly 1000 startups, co-authors Bjoern Lasse Herrmann and Max Marmer have come up with a framework to assess startups and understand the drivers of entrepreneurial performance.

Dubbed the Startup Genome Project because of its stated mission to “crack the innovation code of Silicon Valley and share it with the rest of the world,” the project was supported by lean-startup guru Steve Blank, who also teaches classes in entrepreneurship at U.C. Berkeley and Stanford University.


To read the full, original article click on this link: New Startup? Dude, There’s a (Genome) Map for That Tech News and Analysis

Author:Cortney Fielding