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Founded by Rich Bendis


For graduating American university students, the good news is that many companies plan to hire more entry-level workers this year than last. Unfortunately, while the job market is improving, many grads are still finding it tough to get work. Creativity, connections and hard work are imperative to standing out from the competition.

Businesses are also recognizing that recruiting the best from the next generation requires a different approach. Ketchum, a global communications firm, created a unique open innovation community for college students that has proven to not only be a valuable service for their clients but a valuable recruiting tool as well.

The community, called Mindfire, presents real-life problems from Ketchum clients to students with demonstrated creativity, communications and digital skills. The forum has proven to be a “win-win-win” development. Ketchum clients, such as Frito-Lay North America get to gather inspiration from fresh-thinking minds; participating students get a real taste of what a job in PR entails, and Ketchum gets to see evidence of the way applicants think creatively and work under tight deadlines.


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