Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Burt Chojnowski

New Iowa Governor Terry Branstad met with the Iowa MicroLoan Board of Directors to express his interest in and support for Iowa's small business and entrepreneurial sector. An outgrowth of the Iowa Foundation for Micro-enterprise and Community Vitality (IFMCV), Iowa MicroLoan was created in 2007 to assist microbusinesses considered on the fringe of risk-bearing capacity for most traditional financial institutions.

Micro-enterprises—those with five or less employees—account for 86 percent of all businesses in Iowa. In the Internet age, home-based businesses and sole proprietors and micro-enterprises are the fastest growing segment of the entrepreneurial class. Representing a very important investment in Iowa's future, micro-enterprises pay dividends by adding jobs in the near future as well as 40 years down the road, as some grow to become the major rural community employers. In addition, the cost to the state appears to be minimal compared to some other strategies.


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