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If this isn’t a classic American story, I don’t know what is. A self-taught inventor named Gary Cola has developed a process for manufacturing steel that results in the creation of a product that’s 7% stronger than the strongest steel – and 30% lighter. The steel is also incredibly ductile – meaning that it can crumple a great deal before reaching a breaking point. Even better? His heat-treating process only takes 10 seconds. Compare that to conventional steel manufacturing, where heat-treating can take hours or even days.

To test his steel process, Mr. Cola worked with Dr. Suresh Babu at Ohio State University, who specializes in refining steel applications. Dr. Babu and his students vistited Mr. Cola’s setup in Detroit, and tested samples of the metals. The tests confirmed Mr. Cola’s claims, and the research findings were recently published. The group at Ohio State is currently expanding its research scope into the steel to develop new applications and improvements to the process.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneur Creates World’s Lightest, Strongest Steel – In Less Than 10 Seconds - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes


Alex Knapp