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Harvard Business School (HBS) accepts about one out of nine people who apply. Its admissions office picks the ones who demonstrated leadership. How does it know someone is a leader? How does HBS turn those leaders into entrepreneurs?

William Sahlman, Dimitri V. D’Arbeloff – Class of 1955 Professor of Business Administration, provided answers in a June 15 interview. Sahlman told me that beyond high grades and test scores, the HBS admissions department looks for evidence of leadership. Examples include being chosen to lead a Boy Scout Troop or a sports team or developing a new course to train freshly hired employees to do jobs. Of course, anyone who is accepted into HBS is likely to have a leg up on becoming an entrepreneur.


To read the full, original article click on this link: How Harvard’s Bill Sahlman Turns Leaders into Entrepreneurs - Peter Cohan - The Startup Economy - Forbes

Author: Peter Cohan