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What is the influence of entrepreneurship education on intentions to become entrepreneurs and becoming full-time entrepreneurs?  According to Babson College researchers:

• There is overwhelming evidence that taking two or more core entrepreneurship elective courses positively influenced the intention to become an entrepreneur and becoming an actual entrepreneur both at the time of graduation and long afterward.

• Writing a student business plan also had a significant influence, but it is not a strong as taking two or more core courses.

The findings are based on a sample of 3,755 Babson College alumni who graduated from 1985 to 2009, analyzed by Babson College Professors Julian Lange, Edward Marram, and William Bygrave and Ajay Solai Jawahar M’11 and Wei Yong M’11.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Does Entrepreneurship Education Have Value?  Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught? Yes, According To Babson College Researchers