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Founded by Rich Bendis

Vivek Wadhwa

After graduating from Harvard Law School in 1999, David Park founded discussion forum service It took more than a dozen software developers, product managers, and quality assurance staff 18 months to build the company's core technology. To fund it, Park raised $10 million in venture capital, of which $4 million was spent before the company was launched. It went down in flames in 2003, a casualty of the dot-com bust.

In 2005, Park launched his next business, MBA admissions blog and forum Beat The GMAT in San Mateo, Calif. Rather than take venture capital, he limited startup costs, spending just $119,000. The site steadily gained traction, but Park was nervous that technologies like Facebook and Twitter would make it obsolete.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The $32,000 Startup - BusinessWeek

Author:Vivek Wadhwa