Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Recently BNET colleague Donna Fenn listed 10 reasons a college grad’s first job should be with a startup. Great article, sound reasoning… but I disagree, if only because my first post-college job was with a Fortune 500 company. Starting and running a business would have been much harder without the skill and experience I gained in a corporate environment.

Would I want to work there today? No. But am I glad I once worked there? Absolutely.

If you hope to someday start your own business, here are great reasons to work for a big company first:

  1. Entrepreneurs are sometimes crazy — and not in a good way. For every passionate and visionary entrepreneur who identifies an unmet need and taps the latent skills and expertise of otherwise-underutilized employees to create a thriving business that values people as much as profits… there are hundreds of small businesses run by people who are, well, nuts. Sure, many startups are run by solid businesspeople, but I’ve met way more entrepreneurs who use their business to serve their self-indulgent, narcissistic, “me first” needs. Work for one and you may never realize there’s a better way.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Want to Be an Entrepreneur? Work for a Big Company First | BNET
