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Giving lectures at other universities and inviting people to lecture at my own–I do a little of the former and a lot of the latter. Those experiences have permitted me to acquaint myself  with scores of truly intelligent and thoughtful hosts and speakers.

And, on rare occasions, it is has familiarized me with some neon-light blinking morons.

But imbeciles, admittedly, are far more fictionally compelling than those who display rectitude and wit. For that reason I share with you now some reflections based on a few of the headcases I have met on the podium. I close with suggestions of a more constructive nature.

If my intervention spares just one chairperson from losing her marbles when she learns that a guest lecturer somehow charged his lap dance at the local gentlemen’s club to her departmental credit card, well, then I think my work here is done.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Guest Lecturing: Etiquette and Indiscretions - Brainstorm - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Author:Jacques Berlinerblau