Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Based on both quantitative and qualitative global research conducted by  Oxford Economics and sponsored by PwC, AT&T, Cisco, Citi, and SAP, this white paper identifies and delves into the six seismic shifts that are transforming the global playing field and outlines how they will affect companies in all industries. These shifts are:

  • The coming of age of the global digital economy
  • Industries undergoing digital transformation
  • The digital divide reversing -- moving from
  • West to East The emerging-market customer taking centre stage
  • Business shifting  into hyperdrive -- the pace of change
  • Firms reorganising to fully embrace the digital economy

What should CEOs be doing to ensure their firms remain competitive in this disruptive environment? A set of imperatives and recommended actions are offered in the report.


To read the full, original article click on this link: The new digital economy: How it will transform business: :Technology: PwC publication