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Nic Brisbourne

Brad Feld put a great post up yesterday titled Note to CEOs: Decisions come from you, not the board which makes the point that it is a mistake for CEOs to blame the board for a decision that has been made, either because they don’t agree with it, or because they want to distance themselves from it.  Either way the CEO is abdicating some responsibility for the decision, and that undermines his or her authority and de-motivates anyone who sees what is going on.  Nobody tries as hard to do things they know their boss doesn’t believe in.

I’ve seen this play out in a large number of boards and problems have always followed.

The right way is for the board to present a consensus, including the CEO.  Behind closed doors there may be heated debate and even disagreement, but presenting a united front is a pre-requisite for good leadership.


To read the full, original article click on this link: CEO and board must be united « « The Equity KickerThe Equity Kicker

Author: Nic Brisbourne