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There's a debate going on right now over how many jobs tech startups create.

As Fortune reporter Dan Primack notes, the US lost over 1 million jobs over the past year. And a lot of people look to high-growth companies to make up the shortfall. VC Andrew Parker wrote that the big web 2.0 companies (the Facebooks and Twitters) have probably created 15,000 jobs; extrapolating with the long tail, he guesstimates that the last wave of VC-backed companies have probably created around 75,000 jobs.

Parker writes: "we need 18 times the job creation we’ve accomplished in this wave of web services investing to overcome the 1.29MM non-farm jobs lost in the US economy over the past two years."


To read the full, original article click on this link: Jobs: How Many Jobs Do High Growth Startups Create?

Author:Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry