It’s easy to know what the superstar looks like after the person’s star already is shining. But it’s much harder to identify that diamond in the rough. BusinessWeek reports that 90% of managers believe they are in the top 10% in performance.
This is hilarious. Until you are working with one of those people. And then you start to ask yourself: Am I like this? Am I delusional? How strong a performer am I really?
It’s hard to look at yourself objectively, but a while back, I noticed that I was good at recognizing talent. The last company that I founded,Brazen Careerist, focuses on identifying high performers for companies, and helping people early in their career reach their potential. So I have a lot of experience in this area, and I’ve noticed that there are a few telltale signs of “star” potential.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Do You Have “Superstar” Potential? | BNET
Author:Penelope Trunk