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Life Balance

Are your employees seeking work-life flexibility? While having flexibility in when, where and how you work is increasingly becoming the norm at companies of all sizes, a new study, the Work+Life Fit Reality Check, reveals there are still some roadblocks in the way.

Among the findings of the study, conducted by the Flex+Strategy Group:

  • Eleven percent of respondents said that their use of work-life flexibility increased and 76 percent said it stayed the same during the recession.
  • While in the recovery, 10 percent thought their level of use of work-life flexibility would increase and 82 percent felt it would stay the same.
  • Compared to this time last year, 66 percent report they have the same amount of work-life flexibility, and 17 percent saw an increased amount.
  • Sixty-six percent believe employee health, morale and productivity suffer as a result of having no work-life flexibility.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Making Work-Life Flexibility Work

Author:Rieva Lesonsky