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Mark Cuban

I had the chance to speak with Mark Cuban recently about his view on social media and entrepreneurship.  Although he’s currently a billionaire, he has been an entrepreneur since age 12 when he sold garbage bags door-to-door. Today, Mark founded HDNet, and MicroSolutions. He has also been an investor in startups, including Mahalo,,,, Naked Pizza and You can see him on ABC’s Shark Tank, as well as on a few episodes of Entourage on HBO. Mark may be best known for his purchase of the Dallas Mavericks on January 4, 2000. He also co-owns the Landmark Theater chain, Magnolia Pictures and Magnolia Home Video along with partner Todd Wagner.


To read the full, original article click on this link: An Interview With Mark Cuban on Social Media and Entrepreneurship - Dan Schawbel - Personal Branding - Forbes

Author: Dan Schawbel