Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Tony Glenning

I’ve been told a few times that I need “proof of concept” for my business before an investor will provide me with capital. What, exactly, constitutes proof of concept and how do I know if I’ve attained it?

I can’t know exactly what each of your potential investors had in mind when they asked for a “proof of concept” (POC), but I’ve asked for many POCs and I can certainly tell you what I am thinking.

In a nutshell, having a POC is about risk mitigation.

When an entrepreneur pitches an opportunity there are always a number of premises that underpin the rosy outcome.


To read the full, original article click on this link: I’ve been told I need “proof of concept” for my business before an investor will provide me with capital. What is this exactly?! - Mentor

Author: Tony Glenning