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Justin Sullivan / Getty Images  Revolution LLC CEO and AOL co-founder Steve Case (L) and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (R) look on as Aneesh Chopra, Chief Technology Officer of the United States, speaks during the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness High Growth Business and Entrepreneurship Listening and Action Session at the VMware headquarters on August 2, 2011 in Palo Alto, California. Jobs Council members, administration officials and Silicon Valley leaders spoke with entrepreneurs about how public and private sectors can partner to create jobs through innovation.

PALO ALTO -- As weeks of partisan battles over a 10-year debt-reduction plan ended with its approval Tuesday, leading U.S. technology innovators and entrepreneurs said they are upbeat about Silicon Valley's ability to boost the nation's ailing economy by creating jobs for Americans.

"Now that this debt issue is at least for the time being clarified, Washington needs to shift to jobs and the economy," America Online founder Steve Case said in Palo Alto at a jobs conference before hundreds of people.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Tech leaders upbeat about jobs as debt drama ends
