Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Tom Still

MADISON – Even after the federal debt ceiling is raised, one thing is certain about federal spending over the next decade: There will be less of it than expected. To be precise, federal spending will drop by about $2.4 trillion from current estimates. That means a full range of programs, from social services to defense to academic research, are likely to feel the pinch.

For major research universities such as the UW-Madison, that could present a troubling scenario.

Year after year, the UW-Madison is among the nation’s leaders in attracting “sponsored” research, meaning research sponsored by federal agencies, private foundations, industry and, in small amounts, state government. In fact, the UW-Madison has ranked among the nation’s top five academic R&D powerhouses for more than 20 years running – with more than $1 billion in sponsored research from all sources in fiscal 2009, according to the National Science Foundation.


To read the full, original article click on this link: With less federal funding likely, can Wisconsin attract more industry research? (WTN News)

Author:Tom Still