Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Older Talent

THE HEADLINE of Scott Kirsner’s Innovation Economy column, “Start-ups courting older talent’ (Business, Aug. 1), caught my attention, as I volunteer with a network of mature, accomplished professionals who are in career-life transitions.

Kirsner wondered whether HubSpot’s aggressive recruitment program targeting experienced software engineers would draw “the employees least likely to succeed at a start-up: comfy old-timers used to their reserved parking spots and days that end at 5.’’ Perhaps Kirsner could become more aware of his apparent prejudice if he substituted, say, “blacks’’ or “Hispanics’’ for “comfy old-timers.’’


To read the full, original article click on this link: Older talent have a lot to give - The Boston Globe