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Could everybody just calm down?

Lately it feels like we’re in this self-fulfilling cycle of bad news where one economic data point sets off the tweets, then the 24-hour news channels — desperate to make the economy look like a spectator sport — get all lathered up. The radio talk shows proclaim the end of the world and then the fading newspapers jump in with ever-more sensational headlines and pretty soon, you might think the whole world is coming to an end because unemployment only dropped 0.1% instead of the hoped for 0.2%.

But there is nothing any of us can do about the national unemployment rate, Italy’s debt, the U.S. real estate market, or any of their effects on the stock market.


To read the full, original article click on this link: Entrepreneurs: It’s Time to Put Your Head in the Sand | BNET

Author:John Warrillow