What were you doing at 16 years old? Chances are you weren’t speaking in front of a group at a former US President’s Global Initiative, trying to raise half a million dollars in funding or cramming 4 years of high school into 2. But these things are exactly what Zak Kukoff of TruantToday is doing.
As a recent graduate of the grueling TechStars program in Boulder, Colorado, Kukoff has formed some incredibly actionable pieces of advice that apply to any entrepreneur, not just ones that haven’t yet gotten a driver’s license. I had the chance to talk with Kukoff for TNW Sessions (listen in to the interview here) and when we were done I asked him to share with us 5 things that you can start doing today to make you a better entrepreneur.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Simple Tips for Entrepreneurial Success - TNW Entrepreneur