Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Rebecca O. Bagley

Historically manufacturing has been a bellwether of economic activity.  Unfortunately, The Economist says that manufacturing employment fell by 5,000 jobs in May after rising steadily in previous months.  Some good news is that just last month, President Obama recognized the importance of manufacturing when he was quoted as saying, “We… have always been a country that makes stuff.”  Also, Business Week recently claimed that “We… make more than twice as much stuff (in inflation-adjusted dollar terms) than we did 40 years ago.”

Despite recent setbacks and tectonic shifts in our economic landscape, manufacturing continues to be a major player in our economic fortunes.  According to Brookings Institution, a strong manufacturing sector is key to the future prosperity and long-term competitiveness of the United States. In a recently published paper “Building a Long-Term Strategy for Growth through Innovation,”  they proposed several recommendations to jump start manufacturing and put America back on the path towards healthy economic growth.


To read the full, original article click on this link: We're Workin' On It - Forbes

Author:Rebecca O. Bagley