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Bevan Dufty

It's ballot designation time, when candidates get to polish their creative writing skills by putting together a three-word description of their current career that will show up on the November ballot to inform voters and help them get elected. And not necessarily in that order.

It's a game not everyone can play. Leland Yee, for example, is "State Senator," just as Jeff Adachi is "Public Defender" and John Avalos is "District 11 Supervisor." David Chiu can get a bit more creative, listing himself grandly as "President, Board of Supervisors," rather than the more prosaic "District 3 Supervisor," but elected officials generally are stuck with the job they have, even if they weren't actually elected to it. See Ed Lee: "Appointed Mayor."


To read the full, original article click on this link: CITY INSIDER / 3-word bios on the ballot allow some room for creativity

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