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A reader wrote:

Do you have any advice about working from home with kids?

Here’s something I wrote about the subject from 2006. Since then, we’ve added another child to the mix, started homeschooling and I work from home entirely.

During a typical week, I work from home for twenty to thirty hours. Although this allows me greater opportunity to see my wife and two small children, it can also be a little tricky at times. I’ve developed the following rules and routines for making the best of the situation.

Create an office separate from the main living areas of the house and declare it off limits during working hours. Help your child make a child readable sign for the office door so that he will know when it is and isn’t acceptable to burst into the office.


To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Tips for Working at Home With Children - Business Opportunities Weblog

Author: Dane Carlson