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It’s hard enough to get someone to look twice at your resume and now, more and more, you need not only the right resume, but the right personality.

That’s right, personality testing isn’t just for online dating sites anymore.  MarketWatch reports that 56 percent of companies do some form of personality testing before hiring people.  Am I a fan?  How about a  resounding maybe.

Turnover is actually really expensive.  Not only do you have to pay for a recruiter’s time to find someone, all the interviewer’s time to interview and consider, and your current employees are overworked covering, or the work doesn’t get done (which means whatever income was generated by the job is lost), and then when you hire someone and bring him on board there is a learning period.  For some jobs it’s a few weeks, but for a lot of jobs it takes a lot longer to get someone up to speed.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Are Personality Tests Required For the Job You Want? | BNET

Author:Suzanne Lucas